
This badge requires many requirements & responsibilities


  • You must be over the age of 14
  • You must have a profile in the website
  • You must be in our support server
  • (OPTIONAL) You can also join TARIQ's discord server (to receive the @Employee role)
  • Your profile must be clean and does not contain any sensitive content (NSFW, Swearing, Sensitive Media)
  • You must know English language (knowing Arabic too gives a higher chance of acceptance)
  • You must have experience with our website


  • @Support Role
  • Staff Badge
  • Get premium subscription as long as you are staff (in manager promotion)

Other information you should know:

  • In case you are just applying for the badge and not doing your job, you will get demoted and blacklisted from the website
  • Little interaction will get you demoted to the lower level
  • You cannot give anyone your account or access of it as you are a employee with responsibility
  • If you did not receive any response from us, most likely you were denied
Begin The Application
Staff applications is closed currently