
Design Full-Stack

Hey there! I'm AmtiX, a 24-year-old individual with a passion for all things digital. As a multifaceted creator, I wear several hats in the tech and creative realms.

Professionally, I'm a skilled web developer, specializing in front-end development. My journey into the world of coding began in 2016, and I've been hooked ever since. Over the years, I've honed my skills not only in coding but also in crafting visually appealing designs as a graphic designer.

Beyond the lines of code, I've ventured into the realm of video editing, adding a dynamic dimension to my creative repertoire. This journey started back in 2017 when I delved into programming, and the subsequent exploration of development has been an exhilarating ride.

In the realm of cybersecurity, I proudly serve as a blue team member, actively contributing to the defense and security of digital systems. This role has given me a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, allowing me to apply my technical expertise to safeguard digital environments.

In the vast landscape of online communities, I've been an active member of Discord since February 2016. It's not just a platform for me; it's a space where I've connected with like-minded individuals, shared experiences, and learned from the diverse perspectives of the community.

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QR Code (246354195979042817)
Development Experiences (35)
Android Studio (1%)
Bootstrap (58%)
C (20%)
C# (16%)
C++ (17%)
CSS (91%)
CloudFlare (50%)
Discord.js (100%)
Express.js (100%)
Git (34%)
Go (4%)
HTML (100%)
Java (2%)
JavaScript (100%)
Lua (52%)
Markdown (100%)
MongoDB (61%)
MySQL (22%)
NPM (100%)
Next.js (13%)
Nginx (50%)
Node.js (100%)
Notepad++ (14%)
PHP (11%)
PM2 (100%)
PayPal API (4%)
Python (43%)
React (63%)
TypeScript (17%)
Ubuntu (55%)
Visual Basic (25%)
Visual Studio Code (100%)
WebSocket (40%)
Eris (19%) (20%)
FlashSystem 2 months ago
A Discord bot, Can grow up your community Server! by professional commands.
AmtiX-Tax NPM Package 9 months ago
Easy package for Probot tax calculation create with javascript

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amtix's Posts 11 Posts
FlashSystem 2 months ago
FlashSystem is a Discord bot, Can grow up community server! by professional commands and more commands & Features,
All developers are eager for users’ opinions about the bot and are trying hard to improve it for the better.
Project Link:
About me 3 months ago
Hey there! I'm AmtiX, a 24-year-old individual with a passion for all things digital. As a multifaceted creator, I wear several hats in the tech and creative realms.

Professionally, I'm a skilled web developer, specializing in front-end development. My journey into the world of coding began in 2016, and I've been hooked ever since. Over the years, I've honed my skills not only in coding but also in crafting visually appealing designs as a graphic designer.

Beyond the lines of code, I've ventured into the realm of video editing, adding a dynamic dimension to my creative repertoire. This journey started back in 2017 when I delved into programming, and the subsequent exploration of development has been an exhilarating ride.

In the realm of cybersecurity, I proudly serve as a blue team member, actively contributing to the defense and security of digital systems. This role has given me a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, allowing me to apply my technical expertise to safeguard digital environments.

In the vast landscape of online communities, I've been an active member of Discord since February 2016. It's not just a platform for me; it's a space where I've connected with like-minded individuals, shared experiences, and learned from the diverse perspectives of the community.
AmtiXDev Timestamp Generator 3 months ago
# AmtiXDev Timestamp Generator
A simple npm package to generate Discord timestamps based on user-specified durations.
## Installation
Install the package using npm:
npm install amtixdev-timestamp-generator

## Usage
const generateTimestamp = require('amtixdev-timestamp-generator');
const timestamp = generateTimestamp('1d');
console.log(`Generated timestamp: ${timestamp}`);

Replace the duration string in the generateTimestamp function with your desired time value (e.g., '1d' for 1 day, '2h' for 2 hours).
## API
### generateTimestamp(duration: string): string
Generates a Discord timestamp based on the specified duration.
- duration: A string representing the duration in the format 'XdXhXmXs' where X is a number and d/h/m/s denote days/hours/minutes/seconds.
Returns a string containing the Discord timestamp.
## Discord Bot Integration
You can also use this package in your Discord bot. Here's an example using discord.js:
const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');
const generateTimestamp = require('amtixdev-timestamp-generator');

const token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN';
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] });
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
    if ( return; 
    if (message.content.startsWith('!create_time')) {
        const args = message.content.split(' ').slice(1);
        if (args.length !== 1) {
            message.reply('Please provide a valid time value. Example: `!create_time 1d`');
        const duration = args[0];
        const timestamp = generateTimestamp(duration);
        message.reply(`Time: ${timestamp}`);

## Preview
!Preview Image
Captcha Verification for Discord Bots 3 months ago
# Captcha Verification for Discord Bots
A simple npm package for generating and verifying captcha codes with numbers for Discord bots.
## Installation
npm install captcha-verification

# Usage
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const CaptchaVerifier = require('captcha-verification');

const client = new Discord.Client();
const captchaVerifier = new CaptchaVerifier(client);

client.on('message', (message) => {
  if ( return;

  // Example: Send captcha to the same channel when a certain command is sent
  if (message.content.toLowerCase() === '!sendcaptcha') {

  // Example: Verify the user's input
  const userInput = message.content.trim();
  const isVerified = captchaVerifier.verifyCaptcha(userInput);

  if (isVerified) {
    message.reply('Captcha verified successfully!');


Replace ('YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') with your Discord bot token.
# Methods
Sends the generated captcha code to the specified channel.
### Parameters:
channel (Discord.js Channel): The channel to send the captcha message.
Verifies if the provided user input matches the generated captcha code.
### Parameters:
userInput (String): The user's input to be verified.
### Returns:
true if the input is correct, false otherwise.
Amtixdev-Binarycode 3 months ago
# Amtixdev-Binarycode
'amtixdev-binarycode' is a versatile npm package that provides functionalities for encoding text to binary, decoding binary to text, fetching binary data from URLs, and basic text encryption/decryption.
## Installation
You can install the 'amtixdev-binarycode' package using npm:
npm install amtixdev-binarycode

# Usage
Text to Binary
Convert a string of text to binary representation:
const binarycode = require('amtixdev-binarycode');
const text = 'The quick brown 🦊 jumps over 13 lazy 🐶.';
const binary = binarycode.textToBinary(text);
const decodedText = binarycode.binaryToText(binary);
// Output: The quick brown 🦊 jumps over 13 lazy 🐶.

## Discord Bot Example
Integrating amtixdev-binarycode in a Discord bot:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const binarycode = require('amtixdev-binarycode');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const token = 'YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN';
client.on('message', async message => {
  if (message.content.startsWith('!binary')) {
    const textToEncode = message.content.slice('!binary'.length).trim();
    // Convert text to binary
    const binaryRepresentation = binarycode.textToBinary(textToEncode);
    // Send the binary representation as a reply
    message.reply(`Binary representation: \`${binaryRepresentation}\``);
  if (message.content.startsWith('!decode')) {
    const binaryToDecode = message.content.slice('!decode'.length).trim();
    // Convert binary to text
    const decodedText = binarycode.binaryToText(binaryToDecode);
    // Send the decoded text as a reply
    message.reply(`Decoded text: \`${decodedText}\``);
Dev-Database 3 months ago
# Dev-Database
A Lightweight JSON File-Based Database for Development
## Overview
'Dev-Database' is a simple npm package that provides a straightforward way to perform database operations using JSON files. It's designed to be lightweight and suitable for small-scale development projects, making it easy to store and retrieve data.
## Installation
To use 'Dev-Database' in your project, install it using npm:
npm install dev-database

# Getting Started
Create an instance of 'DevDatabase' by providing the path to your JSON file. Here's a quick example:
const DevDatabase = require('dev-database');

// Create an instance of DevDatabase with the file path
const db = new DevDatabase('database.json');

// Example usage
db.setData('key1', 'value1');
console.log(db.getData('key1')); // Output: 'value1'

## Methods
'setData(key, value)'
Set a key-value pair in the database.
db.setData('key', 'value');

Retrieve the value associated with a key from the database.
const value = db.getData('key');

Delete a key-value pair from the database.

## Warning!
If the JSON file doesn't exist initially, the package will create an empty database.

### Contact Me/Need Help?
Contact me in my Discord Developers Server
propal-converter 3 months ago
# ProPal-Converter
Count the number of conversions based on the provided formula.

## Installation
npm install propal-converter

## Usage
const countConversions = require('propal-converter');

const probotCredits = 100; // Replace with the actual number of probot credits

const propalAmount = countConversions(probotCredits);

console.log('Propal Amount:', propalAmount);

## Example with Discord.js Bot
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const countConversions = require('propal-converter');

const client = new Discord.Client();

client.on('message', (message) => {
  if (message.content.startsWith('!convertCredits')) {
    const args = message.content.split(' ');
    if (args.length === 2) {
      const probotCredits = parseFloat(args[1]);
      if (!isNaN(probotCredits)) {
        const propalAmount = countConversions(probotCredits);`Propal Amount: ${propalAmount}`);
      } else {'Invalid input. Please provide a valid number of probot credits.');
    } else {'Invalid command. Usage: `!convertCredits <probotCredits>`');

ProPal-Tax 3 months ago
# ProPal-Tax
Calculate taxes for ProPal Discord bot.

## Installation
npm install propal-tax

## Usage
const calculatePropalTax = require('propal-tax');

const totalAmount = 1000; // Replace with the actual amount received by the bot

const taxDetails = calculatePropalTax(totalAmount);

console.log('Bot Tax:', taxDetails.botTax);
console.log('Server Owner Tax:', taxDetails.serverOwnerTax);
console.log('Delete Tax:', taxDetails.deleteTax);

## Example with Discord.js Bot
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const calculatePropalTax = require('propal-tax');

const client = new Discord.Client();

client.on('message', (message) => {
  if (message.content === '!calculateTax') {
    // Replace with the actual amount received by the bot
    const totalAmount = 1000;

    const taxDetails = calculatePropalTax(totalAmount);`Bot Tax: ${taxDetails.botTax}\nServer Owner Tax: ${taxDetails.serverOwnerTax}\nDelete Tax: ${taxDetails.deleteTax}`);

amtixdev-morse-code 3 months ago
# Examples/How Package amtixdev-morse-code Work?

## How To Install Package?

npm install amtixdev-morse-code

## How To Use Package

const { textToMorse, morseToText } = require('amtixdev-morse-code');

client.on('messageCreate', (message) => {
  if ( return; // Ignore messages from other bots

  const args = message.content.split(' ');
  const command = args[0].toLowerCase();

  if (command === '!morse') {
    // Convert text to Morse code
    const text = args.slice(1).join(' ');
    const morse = textToMorse(text);`Morse code: ${morse}`);

  if (command === '!decode') {
    // Decode Morse code to text
    const morse = args.slice(1).join(' ');
    const text = morseToText(morse);`Decoded message: ${text}`);

# By AmtiXDev


If You Need Help About How The Npm Package Work? Contant Me HERE

### CopyRight ©
All rights reserved to AmtiXDev
amtix-tax 3 months ago
# Examples/How Package AmtiX-Tax Work?

## How To Install Package?

npm install amtix-tax

## Example How Package Work For Discord.js Version v13 Handler?
const { MessageEmbed, Permissions } = require("discord.js");
const amtixtax = require('amtix-tax');

module.exports = {
    name: 'tax',
    desription: 'Probot tax',
    permission: ["SEND_MESSAGES"],
    async execute(client, message, args){
    let amount = message.content.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ");
    if(!amount) return"Amount cannot be empty")
    let taxs =,true) // true will accept amount like this 1.7m or 100k
    if(!taxs)return"Put a valid number")

    const taxembed = new MessageEmbed()
    .addField("- **The bot will take**",`**${taxs.difference}**`)
    .addField("- **The amount you need to transfer**",`**${}**`)
    .setFooter(`${client.user.username}`, `${client.user.displayAvatarURL({dynamic: true})}`)
   await message.reply({embeds: [taxembed]})
New At Dev list 9 months ago
Hi, I'm New in Dev List,
My name is Ameen, I'm graphic designer && Front-End Developer,
I Created FlashSystem and others bots,
Support at Special Share and Thailand Codes
I hope get happy times with dev list users

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Violets Are Blue