
Front-End Websites

Let the pain begin.

Comments (8)
جميل جدا هاذا الشخص
3 years ago
Best developer ever i seen :KuwaiWave:
a year ago
3 years ago
Wet wet wet wet 👩‍🎤👩‍🎤
3 years ago
Hello bro :)
3 years ago
قامد Edited
hello stupid :)
Activities (2)  
Custom Status
Visual Studio Code 11 days ago
Editing aiChat.js
Workspace: new-hino
QR Code (743809739703451749)
Development Experiences (33)
Apache (35%)
Atom (100%)
Bash (100%)
Bootstrap (100%)
C# (100%)
C++ (5%)
CSS (100%)
CloudFlare (100%)
Discord.js (100%)
Express.js (100%)
Git (100%)
HTML (100%)
Java (16%)
JavaScript (100%)
Lua (100%)
Markdown (100%)
MongoDB (100%)
MySQL (20%)
NPM (100%)
Node.js (100%)
Notepad++ (13%)
PostgreSQL (5%)
Python (100%)
React (13%)
Rust (33%)
TypeScript (100%)
Visual Studio Code (100%)
Vue.js (9%)
Yarn (100%)
Twitter API (16%)
Twitch API (15%)
Youtube API (44%)
Discord.py (17%)
hino.api 3 years ago
hino.api is an package for Hino's API, easy & simple to use!


npm i hino.api


const { API } = require("hino.api");

Definery 3 years ago
Definery is a simple NPM package to define your node.js functions and improve your codes.

NPM page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/definery
Repository: https://github.com/iIEkoT/Definer

npm i definery,
yarn add definery

</> Define your functions with Definery!
Hino 3 years ago
Let your server gets high level with Hino!
Hino 3 years ago
:heart: Make your server more beautifully and perfectly with Hino!

No Services Provided By This User

Youtube Widget
Github Widget

Error: Not Found

モーガン's Posts 43 Posts
Peurest 2 years ago
What is Peurest?
Peurest is an settings language that lets you edit your folder, file, package, context and it's probarty,
using System;
Logger: {
Folder: "./src":: {
Creation Date: "1/2/2023 6:45:35 AM";
Updates: {
Count: 1;
History: {
Latest: "1/2/2023 6:50:04 AM";
if Logger.isLogging == True:
do {set Logger as "History Logger"}
if Logger.isLogging == False: (err)::
console.PrintIn($"The logger is not logging! Responded Error: {err}.")
repeat Logger.Log(Logger.Info) 5;
Any ideas for the next blog? 3 years ago
currently i have nothing to say or to blog, so i'm asking for some ideas from you for the next blog...

well, byeeee,

ok seriously bye,

BYEEEEEE, ok ok bye,

Ramadan! 3 years ago
Yo :Hiro_Smile:!
It's the first Ramadan in our server and website Dev List!,
Hope you have a great day!!!!!

yea i had nothing to say here,
just skip this! :)
hope you a funny month
Top 5 Best discoverable websites about APIs 3 years ago
1: https://rapidapi.com/
2: https://ProgrammableWeb.com/
3: https://public-apis.xyz/
4: https://apilist.fun/
5: https://apis.guru/
Top 5 Longest Animes: 3 years ago
👋🏼 everyone!,
Today i'm gonna to show you the most 5 longest Animes ever!
Top 1: Name: Sazae-san, Episodes: 7466+,
Top 2: Name: Nintama Rantarō, Episodes: 2,245,
Top 3: Name: Ojarumaru, Episodes: 1,857,
Top4: Name: Oyako Club, Episodes: 1,818,
Top5: Name: Doraemon, Episodes: 1,787,

See ya!
NPM vs. Yarn 3 years ago
Who's best? NPM or Yarn?
1. Yarn is an package manager library that exists in NPM package manager,

But who's best?

My opinion: NPM,
Reason: NPM have a lots of manager commands, and some commands that Yarn doesn't have,
and it is a little faster as downloading packages instead of Yarn download.
But for some people, Yarn is best and that is their opinion,
so as publicly, no one is batter that other.
See ya.
Hino v7.4 3 years ago
Commands changelog:
Adding new command: banner,
Removing command: anime,

Bug fixes:
Fixing WebSocket internal error
Developers cup v2! 3 years ago
We're right here to talk about the new Developers cup update!

we're gonna to release this update soon!

:devlist: | Dev list secondary updates #2 3 years ago
Adding toggle to Ads Navbar,

Adding new Development Experiences:
Twitter API
Twitch API
YouTube API
:devlist: | Dev list secondary updates 3 years ago
Changing the name of the role Verified Developer to Profile Creator,
Changing the style of badges page,
What is the most common programming languages in the end of the year 2021? 3 years ago
Manager! 3 years ago
I am now A manager
Hino v7.3 3 years ago
Commands changelog:
Adding new command connected with API: cat
Restyling info command

Fixed bugs:
Fixing addrole command
Fixing rerole command

Bot changelog:
Adding new second color: #bac8d4

Host changelog:
Updating host to Linux UbintuAX2x64,

Website API changelog:

Changing API type to Real Time Performance New Type
Is Discord message content intent impacts interactions/components(lists, buttons, apps) 3 years ago
Nope, it isn't :catlol:
Is node.js 17 good for use? 3 years ago
Recently node.js has released a new version: v17,
And he's in a BETA-RELEASED mode,
so it's a regular thing that is may find a bugs instead of v16,

but as now, it's not good for to using it in some projects like API or node.js web service,

so for now, use v16 or lower than v17
Hino v7.2 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

Adding new commands: stomp, cuddle, pout

API changelog:

Adding API intents
Hino v7.1 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

Removed mute, unmute commands with reason: some Errors can't be handled
Fixing ban kick, unlock, warn commands
Adding the new privacy in privacy command

API v4.1 changelog:

Adding new paths of API types
Removing all errors type
Song 3 years ago
Hey guys!,

Today i've got a new song!
Called: Kina - baby you're worth it,
By creator: Kina,
YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaCd3YrEteE
Hino v7.0 3 years ago
Commands changelog:
Fixing api command writing messages

Hino changelog:
Removing Intents.Flag.GUILD_PRECENSE intent
Changing Hino's profile picture, banner, embeds color, public color,

API v6.6 changelog:
Fixing API slow down response
Changing API monitor uptime

Host changelog:
Updating Host version to released_prev_version

Slash commands changelog:
Rebuilding all slash commands
Updating to newer version

Website API changelog:
Changing API type to pervorm

Website announcements:
We'll remove Hino's website
We'll create a new Hino's website as soon as possible
API scripts changelog:
Re-managed all scripts to init mode
Hino v6.9 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

Adding new command: API
Restyling info command

API changelog:

Adding new types of client, API
Hino v6.8 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

Adding new command: roles
Adding new command: poke
Adding new command: facepalm
Adding new command: glare
Hino v6.7 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

Adding new command: dance
Adding new command: slap
Adding new command: pat
Adding new command: punch
Adding new command: highfive
Adding new command: wave
Changing commands description

API v3.4 changelog:

Adding new handler: Def Ocean
Adding new options on: hino.api package
Adding new errors type on: hino.api pacakge
Hino v6.6 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

Adding new command: bite
Adding new command: wag
Removing unban command

Fixed bugs:

Fixing kick command bug
Fixing ban command bug
Fixing interaction err

Host changelog:

Updating packages
Updating nodeJS version
Hino v6.5: 3 years ago
Hino's changelog:

Changing profile's picture
Changing embeds color
Changing banner

Commands changelog:

Adding new command: remdata
Adding new button to help command
Adding emojis to help command buttons
v6.4: 3 years ago
Commands changelog:

New command: smile
New command: shy
info command restyled

API v3.3: changelog:

New base resolver
New commands responder
Now supporting API requests connection for DSL & BYTB & HTRT servers
Base remodeled
New responsive application commands interaction rebuild

Host changelog:
Updating packages
Updating nodeJS
Changing Host monitor type
Changing Host software
Developing Host API responder
Now the host are connected fully with API
Rebuilding host DSL pre-released version
Updating host to pre-preview-released version of BETA-ALFA test
Windows 21 concept 3 years ago
Hey guys,

Today i have found an old YouTube video that talked about Windows 20 concept,

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLib5QX9qMw&t=15s
By: Avdan,
Date: ‏2020/4/19

My reaction about this:
You guys know there's no Windows 20 until this time, so this is just a concept,
But this concept are so cool to imagine what's the next generation of Windows will be?.

See ya!
Hino v6.3 3 years ago
Fixed bugs:
clear command interaction felid,
API disconnected every 1 hour

API v3.2 changelog:
Updating API version,
Adding new API handler,
Adding API base and API errors,
Adding API module request
1 Year since joined Discord! 3 years ago
1 Year since i've been joined Discord
I've meet a lot of people who has become my friend and helped me with using Discord!

And i want to thank @MohaDev69, @ANDM, @riley, @THE RELAXING EGY and of course my bot @null :catlol:.
And thx for everybody has helped me!
And i've become a staff :staff: here and i love to be in Devlist with you guys forever!

See ya.
NEFFEX New song 3 years ago
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkVIGyMMwv0
name; NEFFEX - Born A Rockstar 🔥 [Copyright Free]
Creators: NEFFEX
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBefBxNTPoNCQBU_Lta6Nvg
Type: Rap Copyright free
Date: 2 days ago
Hino v6.2 API v3.1 3 years ago
Commands changelog:
Restored clear, eval, list commands,

API changelog:
Added new intents,
Added new API base type,

Fixed bugs:
Fixed DM channel type, every command will won't working on DM channels
Fixed Removal intent,
Fixed required commands options
Hino v6.1 3 years ago
Commands changelog:
New command: addrole
New command: rerole

Fixed bugs:
Coins sender cannot send
Profile command cannot send the profile
Coins cannot display to a user or in the profile
command style
Definery! 3 years ago
Definery is a simple NPM package to define your node.js functions and improve your codes.
NPM page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/definery
Repository: https://github.com/iIEkoT/Definer
installation: npm i definery,
NOTE: Yarn manager is not supported yet.

</> Define your functions with Definery!
Hino v6! 3 years ago
New commands!
added slash commands!!


Want support? join our support server: https://hino.gq/support

website? https://hino.gq/
Hino 5.0: 3 years ago
Adding new command: shuffle, now you can enable shuffle on the music with this command,
Updating API to 2.7,
Adding new command requester,
Updating packages,
Updating API system,
Updating Database,
Fixing Data leak slow request,
Fixing commands data,
Updating music API,
Adding module exporter to dm commands,
Adding new licence: DM react,
Adding exit({import: react("os", ox => {
ox.refresh(Discord.APIError, API.DiscordConnection)
})}) function,
Fixing commands auth,
commands menu has reset,
Adding commands rest,
Adding slash command rest,
Rebuilding all packages,
Updating Node js version.
Hino 4.9: 3 years ago
Adding new command: lock, now you can manage @everyone role permission in the channel to SEND_MESSAGES: false,

Adding new command: unlock, now you can manage @everyone role permission in the channel to SEND_MESSAGES: true,

Updating API to 2.6,

Hino's website style has changed fully,

Adding new commands reader: FUNCTION READER.
Hino since 6 months 3 years ago
🕯️It's has been 6 months since Hino was created,

💙 Thank you for using her & making her more perfectly, she was the worst bot ever, and now she has become the most useful bot on Discord

♥️ Thanks for everyone who has used Hino and thanks for everybody who has supported us to create Hino and developing her, and thanks for everyone in this server, really i don't know how to thank you, but i'll try to make Hino more better than now, hope you a great day
Hino 4.8 3 years ago
Adding new command: setnick, now you can reset the nickname of the user by using this command, NOTE: it's only works if the user has a nickname,

Updating API requester & API fetcher,

API has become more faster,

Upgrading Hino's system, API messages.
Hino 4.7 3 years ago
Adding new command: setnick, now you can set a nickname to a user using this command,

Upgrading API to 2.5,

Changing some commands style,

Updating packages,

Updating host system,

Upgrading node js to 16.5.1,

Adding new licence: Footer changer,

Adding new data collection: Server protecting,

Updating database to 6.6.
Hino 4.5 3 years ago
Adding new command: playing, now you can check the played music on the voice channel by using this command,

Editing another response commands,

Adding new buttons to some messages,

Fixing bugs,

Upgrading music API,

Editing buttons reply.
Hino 4.3 3 years ago
Adding new command: mute, this command letting you to mute a user from text channels,

Adding new command: unmute, this command letting you to unmute the user you've muted using h.mute [user],

Upgrading API to 2.2,

Editing error messages style,

Updating packages.
Hino 4.2 3 years ago
Adding new command: clap, this command will display a anime images with clapping,

Editing commands command style,

Moving some commands to command handler,

Adding new collection in commands: Developers, this collection for Hino developers commands, only Hino's developers can use these commands.
New NEFFEX song 3 years ago
Song Link / URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO1QE4imSS0,
Song Creators: NEFFEX, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBefBxNTPoNCQBU_Lta6Nvg,
Hino v3.9 3 years ago

Profile command style has edited,

Upgrading API to v2.0,

Adding new API path,

Supporting API auto connection,

Adding fast API response,

Fixing API errors,

API supporting guild, member interaction response,

Fixing slash-commands slow response problem.

No Certificates Uploaded By This User

Day list 3 years ago

No tasks has been created for this list

Dark Youtube
Light Blue
Dark Twitter
Dark Google
Dark Visual Studio Code
Opera GX
Golden Coffee
Dark SoundCloud
Gray Orange
Dark Glitch
Shiny Black Pink
Purple Gray
Dark Blue Windows 10
Dev Hub