Back-End Security

A Lebanese computer science student who started programming in 2020.
Interested in back-web development and cybersecurity.
I use many programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and C++.
I have a lot of tech-related skills that I can help you with :)

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QR Code (965029475601485894)
Development Experiences (22)
Angular.js (5%)
Bash (20%)
C (35%)
C++ (40%)
CSS (85%)
CloudFlare (25%)
Discord.js (85%)
Express.js (85%)
Git (30%)
HTML (95%)
JavaScript (90%)
MongoDB (85%)
Node.js (95%)
Python (95%)
React (10%)
SQL (10%)
Sass (20%)
TypeScript (40%)
Ubuntu (5%)
Visual Studio Code (60%)
Vue.js (3%)
jQuery (45%)

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ARH's Posts 1 Posts
من اين اتت "Hello, World!" 3 years ago
كتب بريان كيرنيغان في الواقع أول "Hello, World!" كجزء من وثائق لغة برمجة BCPL التي طورها Martin Richards. تم استخدام BCPL أثناء تطوير C في Bell Labs قبل بضع سنوات من نشر كتاب Kernighan and Ritchie's C في عام 1972.

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